The Legend of La Befana, a holiday treat
The Legend of La Befana is a children's favorite in Italy. It is a story of an old woman who is visited by the magi and leaves her home and cat in search of the Christ-child. Befana travels the world and encounters many new cultures and ideas. She never catches the magical star; but becomes inspired, and spends the rest of her life offering gifts to children who embody the spirit of goodness and hope.
Red Herring Puppet's original production is written by Lisa Sturz with songs by Cathy Riley. It is hand-crafted in a Byzantine style which lends majesty to the visual world. The show includes over 50 puppets: hand, rod, marionette, and bunraku-type figures. It features the luxurious magi, a spectacular black-light sequence of stars, a delicately painted procession of animals, special effects, and pure natural charm.
Red Herring Puppet's original production is written by Lisa Sturz with songs by Cathy Riley. It is hand-crafted in a Byzantine style which lends majesty to the visual world. The show includes over 50 puppets: hand, rod, marionette, and bunraku-type figures. It features the luxurious magi, a spectacular black-light sequence of stars, a delicately painted procession of animals, special effects, and pure natural charm.
Scenes from The Legend of La Befana are provided below. The pictures can be downloaded using "drag and drop."
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